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Trustees FY 2024/2025
Prof. Isaac Kosgey, Vice Chancellor, Moi University – Chairman
Prof. Victoria Ngumi, Vice Chancellor, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) – Vice Chair
Prof. Mwenda Ntarangwi, Vice Chancellor, United States International University -Africa (USIU-A)
Prof. Laban Ayiro, Vice Chancellor, Daystar University
Mr. David Mugonyi, Director General, Communications Authority of Kenya
Prof. Laila U. Abubakar, Vice Chancellor, Technical University of Mombasa (TUM)
Dr. Stanley M. Bhebhe, Vice Chancellor, Africa Nazarene University (ANU)
Mrs. Catherine Kelonye, The Chief Principal, Kisumu National Polytechnic
Ms. Wambui Mbesa, Chief Executive Officer, Relational FS (EA)
Prof. Meoli Kashorda, Executive Director, KENET