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Governance Structure
KENET is incorporated as a Trust under the Trustees (Perpetual Succession) Act, Cap 164 and is governed by a Trust Deed of 2000, the First Supplemental Trust Deed of 2013 and the Second Supplemental Trust Deed of 2020.
The Kenya Education Network Trust deed was constituted on November 9, 2000 between five founder universities (The University of Nairobi, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Moi University, United States International University - Africa, and Daystar University) and Trustees (representatives of the founder universities). The founder Trustees were; Prof. Francis John Gichaga (UoN), Dr. Freida Brown (USIU), Prof. Ratemo Waya Micheka (JKUAT), Prof. Raphel Muatine Munavu (Moi University), and Prof. Stephen Talitwala (Daystar University). Since the year 2000, KENET has been governed by the 2000 Trust Deed.
Any change to the Trust Deed is done through a Supplemental Trust Deed. The First Supplemental Trust was registered with the Government of Kenya in November 2013 and captured all the changes made to the Trust Deed since the year 2000.
First Supplemental Trust Deed 2013
The Second Supplemental Trust Deed was registered with the Government of Kenya in September 2020 and captured all changes made to the Trust Deed and the First Supplimental Trust deed since 2013
Second Supplemental Trust Deed
KENET is governed by a 13-member Board of Trustees who are assisted by a 13-member Management Board; representing universities (public and private), research institutions, Ministry of Education, Communications Authority and Private sector. Its day-to-day operations are run by the Executive Director.