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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is KENET?
Kenya Education Network (KENET) is the National Research and Education Network (NREN) of Kenya that promotes the use of ICTs in teaching, learning and research. It is a not-for-profit membership organization, and was registered as a trust in 1999 to provide affordable, cost-effective and low-congestion Internet bandwidth services to Education and Research Institutions. We currently serve 130+ education and research Institutions in Kenya. The beneficiaries are our member institutions, including academic satff, researchers and students.
What is a NREN?
A National Research and Education Network (NREN) is a recognized entity dedicated in promoting the use of ICTs in education and research within a country. NRENS are specialized Internet service providers and are distinguished by support of a high-speed network backbone, serving the ICT needs of education and research institutions.
What are the services offered?
Besides providing high-speed Internet, KENET provides an array of services to its members. Our services range from research, education, connectivity, enterprise, and capacity building services. We also provide shared services such as; co-location of servers, dedicated virtual servers for e-learning systems, as well as video and web conferencing.
Comprehensive information on our services can be found on ‘Our Services’ tab or our e-brochure
Who is eligible to be a member?
KENET only serves education and research institutions. However, other institutions that are indirectly related to education and research can join as affiliate members. Categories of KENET members are as follows:
- Full members: Include all universities and university colleges, research institutes, tertiary technical colleges, public or university libraries, and teacher training institutions among other educational institutions
- Affiliate members: Institutions, ICT regulatory bodies, Governmenr boadies, school associations or networks, professional associations, development partners, hospitals and nursing schools affiliated with university medical schools and other bodies associated with education and research in Kenya
How do I become a member?
The process of becoming a member is very easy and straightforward as highlighted in our Membership page. Institutions interested in becoming members must fill in the membership application forms which can be downloaded on our website or a hard copy delivered to you upon request. Once filled, the forms should be signed and emailed to or delivered to the KENET Secretariat offices.
Application form for KENET membership can be downloaded here or application made online
Application form for KENET Affiliate membership can be downloaded here or application made online
Note: Academic or Research Institutions applying for membership must submit necessary legal documents such as certificate of incorporation, Interim Letter or Charter issued by Commission for University Education or letter of recognition Ministry of Education.
What are the charges of becoming a member?
A one-off fee, which covers the cost of setting up infrastructure for Internet connection is paid when a member joins KENET. An affordable membership fee which is paid yearly. In addition, the pricing bands for our services vary according to the amount of bandwidth capacity subscribed to, the services one is interested in, and the size of an institution. Being a not-for-profit organization, we are flexible in accommodating the needs of our members and any institution seeking to come on board.
What are the benefits if I become a member?
Affordable broadband Internet and connectivity services
Capacity building for your ICT staff
Access to advanced research services and global high-performance computing facilities (e.g., Africa Science Grid Gateway)
Academic cyber security support services (i.e. CERT services)
Opportunities for research collaboration with universities and researchers in Kenya, Africa and Globally
Access to affordable shared services such as collocation of servers, virtual servers or remote storage for e-learning, research and administrative information services.
Advanced ICT advisory services in campus network design, network diagnostics, ICT infrastructure procurement and project management, and campus security.
Academic and higher education ICT community support for ICT staff, ICT directors, faculty, researchers, and senior leadership of member institutions (e.g., Vice Chancellors)
View full membership benefits for specific entities on the Membership page
How Soon Will I Receive My Membership Feedback After Application?
We usually provide immidiate feedback once an application lands in our email or is delivered to our offices. As soon as membership is approved, a membership letter is sent back to the Institution within one week.
What is the research-based ICT in Higher Education advocacy agenda of KENET?
In the past 12 years since it was founded in 1999, KENET has had an advocacy role in the promotion of the use of ICT in Higher Education and research in Kenyan institutions. This is because KENET is part of the higher education research and eco-system of Kenya. Consequently, ICT readiness of Kenyan universities and other member institutions has improved significantly in the past 10 years, making KENET the second largest NREN after TENET in South Africa. This has been achieved in the following ways:
- Organizing forums for Vice Chancellors and Heads of Member Institutions to discuss and answer the question of Why ICT Matters in Higher Education in Kenya. Consequently, the uptake of ICT in KENET member institutions is very high with combined Internet consumption of over 1500 Mb/s.
- Organizing forums of ICT directors and network professionals to discuss ICT strategies and technologies appropriate for Higher Education institutions. KENET is key advisor in all ICT matters in Kenya’s Higher Education, including participation national cybersecurity committee and formulation of broadband policies and strategies.
- Conducting E-readiness research to provide research data on readiness and utilization of ICT in teaching, learning, research and administration in member institutions. This has been an ongoing initiative since 2006(see http://
- Providing a Gateway to advanced e-infrastructures for research that are available exclusively within the Research and Education Community anywhere in the world. Kenyan researchers can now access the Africa Grid Science Gateway, a Web 2.0 portal that gives researchers access to advanced applications for Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Big Data research. Read More