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Four University Teams win Raspberry Pi Student-Owned Laboratory KENET Mini-Grants
KENET has awarded four University teams a min-grant $10,000 for the Raspeberry PI student-onwed labs projects. The four University teams and proposals were (list the departments and the team leader)
- ‘Re-imagining electrical engineering education using Raspberry Pi” from Dedan Kimathi University of Science and Technology; the project is led by Dr. Ciira Maina a lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
- “Use of Raspberry Pi in teaching ICT courses at Meru University of Science and Technology (MUST)” from MUST; the project is led by Mr. Daniel Maitethia a lecturer in the Department of Physical Sciences,
- “Leveraging the Raspberry Pi kit for laboratory experiments” from United States International University (USIU) – Africa; the project is led by Dr. Sylvester Namuye a lecturer in the School of Science and Technology and
- “Integration of the Raspberry Pi or equivalent low cost computers as student-owned teaching labs for engineering” from the University of Nairobi (UoN); the project is led by Prof. Ouma Absalom a lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering. (
The Raspberry Pi is a cheap and powerful microprocessor with much functionality of a modern computer. It has the potential to revolutionize electrical engineering education due to its low cost, small size and increased computing power. The projects kicked-off on February 1, 2015 and are scheduled to run for a period of nine months. Through this project, the grantees are expected to; integrate Raspberry Pi into core courses in the engineering curriculum and develop student manuals for teaching engineering units using Raspberry Pi platform.
equip students with good working knowledge of the raspberry pi platform and appreciate its capabilities and limitations as an engineering or ICT tool, allow students to experiment and innovate using the Raspberry PI.
At the end of the project, the grantees will publish their novel findings observed in the pilot stages and present them in a refereed conference. For more information on the project, visit and