Three KENET-connected High Schools took part in a climate change discussion during South Africa’s National Science Week (NSW), a country-wide celebration of science involving various stakeholders conducting science-based activities.


Four candidates have been selected for the KENET Graduate Trainee Program 2019. Following the vacancies announced in February, four recent graduates were selected from a pool of over 800 applicants after a rigorous recruitment process. The graduate trainees selected in the areas of Applications Development and Network Engineering, assumed their role on June 10 2019. Following their induction, the graduate trainees will undergo a year-long extensive hands-on training in KENET.

KENET has awarded a total of $75,000 Computational Modeling and Materials Sciences(CMMS) Mini-Grant to five research projects. After a rigorous selection process that lasted three months, five top picks were selected in the areas of energy conversion using basic and applied sciences, and technology for environmental safety and health applications. The call was announced on January 3, 2019 and attracted 17 applications from 14 Kenyan Universities and University Colleges.

Big Data is one of the emerging areas that is experiencing staggering growth owing to the importance of data in becoming a key driver in decision making. Partnering with KENET, IBM under its IBM Skills Academy training project concluded a 5-day training on Big Data for University Faculty on Friday March 15, 2019 hosted at the KENET training room. About 56 Computer Science or Information Systems faculty drawn from over 20 Ke...