KENET successfully held a training on Scalable Campus Network from February 24-28th, 2020. The training was conducted at the KENET training room located at University of Nairobi and had a total of 24 participants from 21 KENET member Institutions. The training was primarily aimed at equipping network/system administrators and ICT infrastructure managers from KENET member TVETs and Teaching Hospitals with the necessary skills to administer a campus network effectively
The participants strengthened their knowledge and skills in the areas of VLAN implementation, scalable designs of their networks, optimizing ne...
KENET has awarded a total of $ 60,000 Computer Science, Information Systems and Engineering Multi-Disciplinary Mini-Grant to four (4) research projects. After a rigorous selection process that lasted three (3) months, four top picks were selected in the areas of Internet of Things (IoT) in Agriculture and Health. The call was announced in August 8, 2019 and attracted 26 applicants from 18 Kenyan Universities and University Colleges.
The grant awarded to the four (4) lead researchers also extends to 15 other researchers who served as team members to the projects. At a cost of $15,000 for each winner,...
KENET has as one of its mandates, the role of catalyzing collaboration in research and education among member universities and research institutions. KENET promotes collaboration through facilitation of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in priority academic areas, discovery of active researchers/faculty, provision of research and education grants to researchers and member institutions, as well as travel grants for faculty and/or graduate students in SIG areas.
The KENET 11th Annual Heads of Institutions Forum will be held at the Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort and Spa, Mombasa from 10th to 11th December 2019. The two-day event will be attended by various KENET member institutions (VCs, Principals, Directors etc) or their representatives with over 129 participants representing; 32 Public Universities and University Colleges, 31 Private Universities and University College, 26 TVETs, 8 Teaching Hospitals, 15 Government Institutions, 14 Research Institutions and 3 Affiliates. Invited guests and KENET Trustees, Management Board and Staff will also be in a...
Four NREN Members of UbuntuNet Alliance namely; Kenya Education Network (KENET), Mozambique Research and Education Network (MoRENet), Tanzania Education and Research Network (TERNET) and Research and Education Network of Uganda (RENU) are part of the stakeholders of the Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) Solutions for the Internet of Things Workshop which will be held from 17-21 February 2020 at the Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda.
Other stakeholders involved in the workshop include the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Ub...