One of KENET's mandates as an organization is to catalyze collaboration in research and education areas through facilitation of special interest groups (SIGS) and provision of innovation grants to researchers and member institutions.
In 2019, KENET awarded a total of $60,000 Computer Science, Information Systems and Engineering Multi-Discplinary grant to four (4) research projects in the areas of Internet of Things (IoT) in Agriculture and Health. The grants were awarded to the four (4) lead researchers and extended to 15 other researchers ( team members) to the projects from six...
KENET held five (5) half day research outreach forums from May 26 - June 16, 2023 in Nyeri, Kisumu, Mombasa, Nakuru and Nairobi regions. The fprums were attended by 856 participants from over 400 institutions countrywide. The aim of the outreach forums was to create awareness on the availability of KENET research services and to publicize the call for proposals for Research and Innovation Grants in Computer Science and Information Systems (CSIS), Computer Modelling and Material Science (CMMS) and Engineering for the Financial Year 2023/2024.
The Computational Modeling and Materials Science (CMMS) is a special interest group supported by KENET to enhance research capacity development in the use of computational modeling in science and technology. Research work is expected to involve university faculty and graduate students in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and the Environmental sciences but strongly welcomes those from other basic and applied sciences. To increase research output directly or by complementing the existing limited work from groups with standard experimental infrastructure, CMMS has embraced computational modeling which is now considered as an important...
Research and Innovation are important pillars in the development of any society. For Kenya to industrialise and improve the wellbeing of her people, increasing investment in research and development within Engineering is a must. This call seeks to fund research in engineering with great potential for impact in Kenya.
Building on the 2022 call, we seek to fund projects that will support or lead to the establishment of vibrant multidisciplinary research groups in engineering disciplines including but not limited to Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering, Chemical Engine...
The Computer Science and Information Systems (CS/IS) Research and Innovation Grants is intended to promote early stage CS/IS research and development in current and emerging research areas, as well as strengthen the CS/IS SIG. The Research and Innovation grants target early stage research, enabling researchers to undertake proof-of-concept work to support R&D ideas and concepts. It is envisioned that the Research and Innovation grants, which are ideally targeted at junior faculty, will position recipient researchers in good footing to further their research and expertise in these areas, and subsequently attract more resea...