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KENET Community
In the year 2017, seven (7) new members were admitted by the Board Trustees. The number of connected members increased from 115 to 122 in 2017. The International University of Professional Studies (Former Inoorero University) was removed from the list of members as it had ceased being a university and Great Lakes University of Kisumu, Kenya Technical Teachers College and Friends College Kaimosi were suspended because they had not paid their membership dues for two consecutive years and were not subscribed to any KENET services.
Member category |
Number of members |
Internet bandwidth subscription |
Beneficiary population (students, faculty, researchers, staff) |
Internet expenditure FY 2015/2016 |
% members subscribing to Community Cloud services |
Universities / University college |
67 |
27% |
Research Institutions |
16 |
6% |
Tertiary colleges (TVETs, medical colleges, TTCs etc) |
20 |
15% |
Government Institutions/ Affiliate members |
19 |
42% |
Schools (under schools initiative) |
32 |
Table 1: KENET Membership categories
Thus, KENET was servicing a total population of 776,485, members 693,589 being students. The members of KENET form one community as shown in Figure1.
KENET Community and Partners
KENET Capacity Building Workshops / Forums and Direct Engineering Support services in 2017
In the year 2017, KENET organized two technical workshops and an ICT directors’ forum to build member institutions’ capacity, particularly of ICT technical teams who operate campus networks and ICT services. The workshops and forums are considered part of member services and are fully sponsored by KENET. Table 2 summarizes the workshops and forum offered in 2017.
Workshop / Forum |
Dates offered |
Number and category of participants |
Participating Institutions |
Cost of the forum / workshop |
Website Link |
Scalable Campus Network Design |
April 3-7 |
21 (technicians) |
9 |
Kshs. 2,278,260 |
ICT directors Forum |
April 6-7 |
66 (ICT directors) |
66 |
KShs. 3.5 million |
Virtual labs for ICT faculty |
Sep 18-20 |
25 (Lecturers) |
13 |
KShs. 2,076,640 |
Online ISOC UNIX course |
2016- to date |
Students and faculty |
122 (All member institutions) |
Table 2: KENET Capacity Building Events 2017
Scalable Campus Networks Design
KENET conducted the Scalable Campus Training from April 3-7, 2017 at the KENET training center located at University of Nairobi. The training had 21 participants from 19-member organizations. The training was conducted by KENET senior Systems and Network Engineers and covered various topics including Campus Network Design principles and best practices, Switching Architectures (STP), VLANs, IP routing and Campus Network Monitoring. The participants were able to configure the KENET training lab that has actual switches, routers and servers.
Participants at the Scalable Campus Network Training
ICT Directors’ Forum (April 6-7)
The ICT Directors’ Forum took place at Enashipai Resort and Spa, Naivasha with 67 participants in attendance. The theme was, “Communicating the Value of ICT services to the University Community”. Topics covered during the forum included; The Role of the ICT Director in Institutional Change at a Public University in the period 2012-2016 – the case of Kenyatta University, Financing campus ICT Infrastructure Investments –the case of Moi University and Supporting Teaching and Learning with Technology Initiatives in a University.
Participants of ICT Directors’ Forum
KENET Virtual Lab Workshop for Faculty (September 18-20)
Faculty who teach ICT Networking courses benefited from a 3-day workshop hosted by KENET. Thirteen (13) participating Universities were each represented by two faculty members. The workshop gave the participants a chance to interact with the KENET virtual lab who then can provide hands-on training to students on routing and switching. The KENET lab will enable the faculty and students to access virtualized machines where they can practice skills like Linux/ Unix, Matlab, and Windows Operating Systems.
Participants of the KENET Virtual Lab Workshop